App guide

With 3DRacers you can drive your 3D Printed car with the free Smartphone App: iOS or Android app.

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3DRacers Game

Connect to your Car

Simply starting a new game will prompt the connect dialog, or you can do it manually by touching the Connect button or the car name on the top bar.

To connect to your car, turn it on, it will pulse cian.

The name of your car will shows in the Connect dialog, you can then touch it to connect. Wait some seconds untily the Blue light of the 3DRacers stop.

Be sure to turn on the Bluetooth radio on your device. If you have trouble connecting, switch off the 3DRacers car and turn on back again.

Car Setup

3DRacers Game


3DRacers Game

You can control your car with Analog or Digital controls. Customizable in the Controls settings dialog.

If you have trouble driving your 3DRacers, try using the Easy difficulty setting. Also remember to set the correct Track Size: if the car goes too fast it will be impossible to stay on track with tight bends.

To go reverse, hold the brake pedal.

Digital Steering

Ananlog Steering

Digital Throttle

Analog Throttle

Speed Control

Since the DC motor on board of a 3DRacers has a really high torque compared to the light weight of the car, it is important to lower the Max Speed to a confortable level, otherwise it will be really difficult to follow a path and avoid spinning.

Also, with the Analog Throttle controls, the speed of the car will be binded to the amount of power given via the controls: lowering the bar will slow down the car, even on slopes. This is the Throttle=Speed mode

This direct correlation between speed and throttle will make it easier to drive, but can be changed to a more realistic value (Throttle=Acceleration) with the MOTOR_MODE_PH_EN constant in Arduino. See the Coding Guide
